Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NBCAuxSome functions not fitting anywhere else
 CBCTrashA trash to keep heap-allocated objects of type T alive until the trash goes out of scope
 CRootSideEffectGuardA guard object to prevent ROOT from taking over ownership of TNamed objects
 CCuhreHold Cuhre specific options
 CDivonneHold Divonne specific options
 CGeneralBase struct to hold options shared by all CUBA algorithms
 CSuaveHold Suave specific options
 CVegasHold Vegas specific options
 CAdapterAdapter to call Minuit on a user-defined function
 CWrapperWrapper to approximate RAII for TMinuitMinimizer that is not copyable
 CBATCalculatorAdapter to call BAT from within RooStats to compute credibility intervals
 CBCCauchyPriorA class to represent a Cauchy prior of a parameter
 CBCConstantPriorA class to represent a constant prior of a parameter
 CBCDataPointA class representing a data point
 CBCDataSetA class representing a set of data points
 CBCEfficiencyFitterA class for fitting histograms with functions
 CToyDataInterfaceAbstract class which doesn't do anything but offers the right interface to allow calculation the distribution of any statistic
 CBCEmptyModelAn empty model, used for reading in a chain
 CBCEngineMCMCAn engine class for Markov Chain Monte Carlo
 CChainStateA struct for holding a state in a Markov chain
 CStatisticsA struct for holding statistical information about samples
 CBCFitterA base class for all fitting classes
 CBCGaussianPriorA class to represent a gaussian prior of a parameter
 CBCGraphFitterA class for fitting graphs with functions
 CBCH1DA class for handling 1D distributions
 CBCH1DIntervalContains information about an interval
 CBCH1DSmallestIntervalVector of intervals with information about total mass
 CBCH2DA class for handling 2D distributions
 CBCHistogramBaseA base class for drawing histograms in BAT style
 CBCHistogramFitterA class for fitting histograms with functions
 CBCIntegrateA class for handling numerical operations for models
 CBCLogA class for managing log messages
 CBCModelThe base class for all user-defined models
 CBCModelManagerA class representing a set of BCModels
 CBCMTFA class for fitting several templates to a data set
 CBCMTFAnalysisFacilityA class summarizing a set of predefined measurements
 CBCMTFChannelA class describing a physics channel
 CBCMTFComparisonToolA helper class for BCMTFAnalysisFacility storing information
 CBCMTFProcessA class describing a process
 CBCMTFSystematicA class desribing a systematic uncertainty
 CBCMTFSystematicVariationA class describing a systematic variation
 CBCMTFTemplateA class describing a template
 CBCObservableA class representing a variable of a model
 CBCParameterA class representing a parameter of a model
 CBCParameterSetWrapper to allow access by name into list of BCParameter
 CBCPositiveDefinitePriorA class to wrap around a BCPrior to make it positive definite
 CBCPriorA class to represent the prior of a parameter
 CBCPriorModelClass for sampling from prior of a BCModel
 CBCRooInterfaceInterface allowing to run BAT on a problem/data defined in a standard RooFit workspace format
 CBCSplitGaussianPriorA class to represent a split-Gaussian prior of a parameter
 CBCTF1LogPriorA class to represent the log of a prior of a parameter by a formula through a TF1
 CBCTF1PriorA class to represent the prior of a parameter by a formula through a TF1
 CBCTH1PriorA class to represent the prior of a parameter by a TH1
 CBCVariableA class representing a variable of a model
 CBCVariableSetWrapper to allow access by name into list of BCVariable