Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼NBCAux | Some functions not fitting anywhere else |
CBCTrash | A trash to keep heap-allocated objects of type T alive until the trash goes out of scope |
CRootSideEffectGuard | A guard object to prevent ROOT from taking over ownership of TNamed objects |
▼NBCCubaOptions | |
CCuhre | Hold Cuhre specific options |
CDivonne | Hold Divonne specific options |
CGeneral | Base struct to hold options shared by all CUBA algorithms |
CSuave | Hold Suave specific options |
CVegas | Hold Vegas specific options |
▼NBCMinimizer | |
CAdapter | Adapter to call Minuit on a user-defined function |
CWrapper | Wrapper to approximate RAII for TMinuitMinimizer that is not copyable |
▼NRooStats | |
CBATCalculator | Adapter to call BAT from within RooStats to compute credibility intervals |
CBCCauchyPrior | A class to represent a Cauchy prior of a parameter |
CBCConstantPrior | A class to represent a constant prior of a parameter |
CBCDataPoint | A class representing a data point |
CBCDataSet | A class representing a set of data points |
▼CBCEfficiencyFitter | A class for fitting histograms with functions |
CToyDataInterface | Abstract class which doesn't do anything but offers the right interface to allow calculation the distribution of any statistic |
CBCEmptyModel | An empty model, used for reading in a chain |
▼CBCEngineMCMC | An engine class for Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
CChainState | A struct for holding a state in a Markov chain |
CStatistics | A struct for holding statistical information about samples |
CBCFitter | A base class for all fitting classes |
CBCGaussianPrior | A class to represent a gaussian prior of a parameter |
CBCGraphFitter | A class for fitting graphs with functions |
▼CBCH1D | A class for handling 1D distributions |
CBCH1DInterval | Contains information about an interval |
CBCH1DSmallestInterval | Vector of intervals with information about total mass |
CBCH2D | A class for handling 2D distributions |
CBCHistogramBase | A base class for drawing histograms in BAT style |
CBCHistogramFitter | A class for fitting histograms with functions |
CBCIntegrate | A class for handling numerical operations for models |
CBCLog | A class for managing log messages |
CBCModel | The base class for all user-defined models |
CBCModelManager | A class representing a set of BCModels |
CBCMTF | A class for fitting several templates to a data set |
CBCMTFAnalysisFacility | A class summarizing a set of predefined measurements |
CBCMTFChannel | A class describing a physics channel |
CBCMTFComparisonTool | A helper class for BCMTFAnalysisFacility storing information |
CBCMTFProcess | A class describing a process |
CBCMTFSystematic | A class desribing a systematic uncertainty |
CBCMTFSystematicVariation | A class describing a systematic variation |
CBCMTFTemplate | A class describing a template |
CBCObservable | A class representing a variable of a model |
CBCParameter | A class representing a parameter of a model |
CBCParameterSet | Wrapper to allow access by name into list of BCParameter |
CBCPositiveDefinitePrior | A class to wrap around a BCPrior to make it positive definite |
CBCPrior | A class to represent the prior of a parameter |
CBCPriorModel | Class for sampling from prior of a BCModel |
CBCRooInterface | Interface allowing to run BAT on a problem/data defined in a standard RooFit workspace format |
CBCSplitGaussianPrior | A class to represent a split-Gaussian prior of a parameter |
CBCTF1LogPrior | A class to represent the log of a prior of a parameter by a formula through a TF1 |
CBCTF1Prior | A class to represent the prior of a parameter by a formula through a TF1 |
CBCTH1Prior | A class to represent the prior of a parameter by a TH1 |
CBCVariable | A class representing a variable of a model |
CBCVariableSet | Wrapper to allow access by name into list of BCVariable |
CG__cpp_setup_initlibBAT_rdict | |
CG__cpp_setup_initlibBATmodels_rdict | |
CG__cpp_setup_initlibBATmtf_rdict | |
CG__Sizep2memfunclibBAT_rdict | |
CG__Sizep2memfunclibBATmodels_rdict | |
CG__Sizep2memfunclibBATmtf_rdict |