File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼ BAT | |
BCAux.h | |
BCCauchyPrior.h | |
BCConstantPrior.h | |
BCDataPoint.h | |
BCDataSet.h | |
BCEmptyModel.h | |
BCEngineMCMC.h | |
BCGaussianPrior.h | |
BCH1D.h | |
BCH2D.h | |
BCHistogramBase.h | |
BCIntegrate.h | |
BCLog.h | |
BCMath.h | |
BCModel.h | |
BCModelManager.h | |
BCObservable.h | |
BCParameter.h | |
BCParameterSet.h | |
BCPositiveDefinitePrior.h | |
BCPrior.h | |
BCPriorModel.h | |
BCSplitGaussianPrior.h | |
BCTF1LogPrior.h | |
BCTF1Prior.h | |
BCTH1Prior.h | |
BCVariable.h | |
BCVariableSet.h | |
▼ models | |
▼ base | |
BATCalculator.cxx | |
BATCalculator.h | |
BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx | |
BCEfficiencyFitter.h | |
BCFitter.cxx | |
BCFitter.h | |
BCGraphFitter.cxx | |
BCGraphFitter.h | |
BCHistogramFitter.cxx | |
BCHistogramFitter.h | |
BCRooInterface.cxx | |
BCRooInterface.h | |
LDef.h | |
LDef_roostats.h | |
libBATmodels_rdict.cxx | |
libBATmodels_rdict.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
▼ mtf | |
BCMTF.cxx | |
BCMTF.h | |
BCMTFAnalysisFacility.cxx | |
BCMTFAnalysisFacility.h | |
BCMTFChannel.cxx | |
BCMTFChannel.h | |
BCMTFComparisonTool.cxx | |
BCMTFComparisonTool.h | |
BCMTFProcess.cxx | |
BCMTFProcess.h | |
BCMTFSystematic.cxx | |
BCMTFSystematic.h | |
BCMTFSystematicVariation.cxx | |
BCMTFSystematicVariation.h | |
BCMTFTemplate.cxx | |
BCMTFTemplate.h | |
libBATmtf_rdict.cxx | |
libBATmtf_rdict.h | |
LinkDef.h | |
▼ src | |
BCAux.cxx | |
BCCauchyPrior.cxx | |
BCConstantPrior.cxx | |
BCDataPoint.cxx | |
BCDataSet.cxx | |
BCEmptyModel.cxx | |
BCEngineMCMC.cxx | |
BCGaussianPrior.cxx | |
BCH1D.cxx | |
BCH2D.cxx | |
BCHistogramBase.cxx | |
BCIntegrate.cxx | |
BCLog.cxx | |
BCMath.cxx | |
BCModel.cxx | |
BCModelManager.cxx | |
BCObservable.cxx | |
BCParameter.cxx | |
BCParameterSet.cxx | |
BCPositiveDefinitePrior.cxx | |
BCPrior.cxx | |
BCPriorModel.cxx | |
BCSplitGaussianPrior.cxx | |
BCTF1LogPrior.cxx | |
BCTF1Prior.cxx | |
BCTH1Prior.cxx | |
BCVariable.cxx | |
BCVariableSet.cxx | |
libBAT_rdict.cxx | |
libBAT_rdict.h | |
LinkDef.h |