Classes for defining priors

If the prior factorizes into a product of 1D priors, members of this group can be used to model the individual 1D distributions. More...


class  BCCauchyPrior
 A class to represent a Cauchy prior of a parameter. More...
class  BCConstantPrior
 A class to represent a constant prior of a parameter. More...
class  BCGaussianPrior
 A class to represent a gaussian prior of a parameter. More...
class  BCPositiveDefinitePrior
 A class to wrap around a BCPrior to make it positive definite. More...
class  BCSplitGaussianPrior
 A class to represent a split-Gaussian prior of a parameter. More...
class  BCTF1LogPrior
 A class to represent the log of a prior of a parameter by a formula through a TF1. More...
class  BCTF1Prior
 A class to represent the prior of a parameter by a formula through a TF1. More...
class  BCTH1Prior
 A class to represent the prior of a parameter by a TH1. More...

Detailed Description

If the prior factorizes into a product of 1D priors, members of this group can be used to model the individual 1D distributions.

For example, a standard Gaussian for the first parameter is set by

model.GetParameter(0).SetPrior(new BCPriorGaussian(1, 0))