

The reason that BAT exists is that nearly any Bayesian analysis these days is too complicated to be handled analytically. To address typical questions like

  • What is known about a single parameter taking into account the uncertainty on all other parameters?
  • How are parameters correlated?

one needs to be able to compute and visualize 1D and 2D marginal distributions; cf. Marginalization. These are defined as integrals over the posterior; for example the 2D marginal distribution is

\begin{align} \label{eq:int-marginal} P(\theta_1, \theta_2 \cond D) = \int \prod_{i \ne 1,2} \rmdx{\theta_i} P(\vecth \cond D). \end{align}

To do model comparison, one has to compute the evidence, that is the integral over all parameters

\begin{equation} Z = \int \rmdx{ \vecth} P(D|\vecth, M) P(\vecth \cond M). \end{equation}

Therefore Bayesian inference in practice requires good integration techniques. These methods are bundled in the class BCIntegrate with the exception of the Markov chain code in BCEngineMCMC; see also the Structure of the Code.

For low-dimensional problems, deterministic integration methods are usually the fastest and most robust but for higher dimensions, Monte Carlo techniques are the most efficient tools known. Depending on the setting, BAT defaults to deterministic methods for \(d \le 2,3\) dimensions and uses Monte Carlo for \(d>3\).


The main use case for BAT is to estimate and visualize the marginal distributions of the posterior. Given a model m, all marginal distributions are estimated as histograms by


The individual distributions can be accessed using unsigned or std::string as keys

// one-dimensional
BCH1 d0 = m.GetMarginalized(0);
BCH1D d1 = m.GetMarginalized("name");
// two-dimensional
BCH2D d2 = m.GetMarginalized(3, 4);
BCH2D d3 = m.GetMarginalized("name_of_first_parameter", "name_of_second_parameter");

Directly access the underlying histogram with

// one-dimensional
BCH1 h0 = m.GetMarginalizedHistogram(0);
// two-dimensional
BCH2D h1 = m.GetMarginalizedHistogram(3, 4);

In case of many (nuisance) parameters, it may be useful to constrain which histograms are stored because the number of 2D marginals grows like \(n \cdot (n-1)/2 \) with the number of parameter \(n\). This can be achieved either for all 1D or 2D marginal distributions or for individual combinations. For example:

m.AddParameter("x", 0, 1);
m.AddParameter("y", 0, 1);
m.SetFlagFillHistograms(false); // no 1D marginals for `x`, `y` stored
m.AddParameter("z", 0, 1);
m.SetFillHistogramParPar(0, 2, false); // no `x` vs `z` 2D marginal
See also
BCEngineMCMC::SetFillHistogramParPar, BCEngineMCMC::SetFillHistogramParObs, BCEngineMCMC::SetFillHistogramObsObs, BCEngineMCMC::SetFlagFillHistograms

The method for marginalizing can be selected as follows


where method is an enum in BCIntegrate::BCMarginalizationMethod

method Details
kMargMetropolis Metropolis algorithm; see Markov chain Monte Carlo.
kMargMonteCarlo Sample mean integration in each histogram bin. Least efficient method.
kMargGrid Evaluate target at each bin center. Most efficient for 1D and 2D.
kMargDefault Use kMargGrid for \(d \leq 2 \), else kMargMetropolis.

The availability of marginalization methods can be queried at runtime using BCIntegrate::CheckMarginalizationAvailability.

In case any pre- or postprocessing needs to happen to set up data structures, we provide the hooks virtual void BCIntegrate::MarginalizePreprocess and virtual void BCIntegrate::MarginalizePostprocess. They are empty by default and can be overloaded in a user model.


In BAT terminology, the evidence or normalization constant of a model m with the default method is computed as

double evidence = m.Normalize();

Once the normalization has been determined, BCModel::LogProbability returns the normalized value of the posterior as opposed to the not normalized result from BCModel::LogProbabilityNN.

Internally only BCModel::LogProbabilityNN is called when integrating or optimizing because it only requires the user to override BCModel::LogLikelihood and to set a prior.

BCModel::Normalize returns the evidence on the linear scale. Choose the method of integration explicitly with

double evidence = m.Integrate(method);

where method is an enum in BCIntegrate::BCIntegrationMethod.

BCIntegrationMethod Details
kIntMonteCarlo Sample mean. Usually least efficient.
kIntCuba Use a method from cuba.
kIntGrid Approximate Riemann sum over a dense grid for \(d \leq 3 \).
kIntLaplace Laplace approxation. Only approximately valid for peaked unimodal integrands. Incorrect if distribution is heavy tailed or if the mode is near a boundary. Very fast. No uncertainty estimate. Only method implemented on the log scale.
kIntDefault Use Cuba if available. Else use kIntGrid for \(d \leq 3 \) and kIntMonteCarlo for \(d > 3 \).

General termination criteria for all integration methods except kIntLaplace are the desired absolute precision \(\epsilon_a\) and relative precision \(\epsilon_r\) and the minimum and maximum number of iterations:


The integration terminates if

\begin{equation} |Z-\hat{Z}| \leq \max(\epsilon_a, \epsilon_r Z) \end{equation}

where \(\hat{Z}\) is the current estimate of the evidence.


In case the log likelihood is very small or very large, going to the linear scale may take it to exactly zero or infinity in finite precision. This often happens in practice if the log likelihood is a sum of N terms. For example, assume each factor is 0.5. Then \(\exp(0.5 N)=\infty\) on the computer for \(N \geq 1420\) using double precision. To avoid this problem, you can rescale the log likelihood by manually subtracting the value at the mode inside LogLikelihood.

Another option, if requirements are satisfied, is to use the Laplace method. It is naturally implemented on the log scale. While the standard interface to all integration methods via BCIntegrate::Normalize() always transforms to the linear scale, calling BCIntegrate::IntegrateLaplace() directly returns the evidence on the log scale.


The Cuba package itself has four different integration methods. Cuba is an external dependency; see the installation instructions on how to build BAT with Cuba support. If Cuba is available, select the Cuba method with

// alternative

where method is an enum in BCIntegrate::BCCubaMethod

BCCubaMethod Details
kCubaVegas VEGAS algorithm by Lepage
kCubaSuave Suave algorithm.
kCubaDivonne Divonne algorithm.
kCubaCuhre Cuhre algorithm. Essentially quadrature in higher dimensions. Suffers from curse of dimensionality but most efficient and robust in low dimensions.
kCubaDefault For \(d=1\), use VEGAS, for \(d=2,3\), use Cuhre, and for \(d> 3\), use Divonne.
Cuba evaluates the posterior in parallel by default. If the posterior is not thread-safe (see Multithreading and Thread Safety), it is recommended to set the environment variable CUBACORES to 1.

Each Cuba method comes with various parameter values to set. We have taken over default values from the example that comes with Cuba but they are by no means optimal for every problem. Please experiment and consult the Cuba manual that comes with the Cuba source code from All options are accessible in the namespace BCCubaOptions. An example with bogus values

BCCubaOptions::Suave o = m.GetCubaSuaveOptions();
o.flatness = 5;
o.nnew = 5000;
o.nmin = 15;


To get a quick visualization of a complicated posterior, a slice, or projection, may be preferable to a full marginalization. That is, all parameters except one [two] are held fixed (instead of integrated over as in marginalization) and the remaining parameter[s] are evaluated on a regular grid. In other words, the conditional distribution

\begin{equation} P(\theta_1 \cond \vecth_{\backslash 1}, D) = \frac{P(\vecth \cond D)} {P(\vecth_{\backslash 1} \cond D)} . \end{equation}

The slice is returned as one [two] dimensional histogram. This is achieved with the various variants of BCIntegrate::GetSlice.

In a posterior where all parameters are independent, the marginal and conditional distributions coincide because

\begin{equation} P(\theta_1 \cond \vecth_{\backslash 1}, D) = \frac{P(\vecth_{\backslash 1} \cond D) P(\theta_1 \cond D)} {P(\vecth_{\backslash 1} \cond D)}= P(\theta_1 \cond D) . \end{equation}

Independence rarely holds in practice, so marginalization is still useful.

For example, in a Gaussian posterior with independent parameters, we first find the mode and use these parameter values to find the 1D conditional distribution of the first parameter. In this example, the result is just a Gaussian. Here is how to find the result in general, for non-Gaussian or non-independent posteriors:

#include <TH1.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
int main()
TCanvas c;
unsigned nIterations;
double log_max;
int nbins = 100;
bool normalize = true;
TH1* slice = m.GetSlice(0, nIterations, log_max, m.GetBestFitParameters(), nbins, normalize);
delete slice;