
The following guide provides information on how to install and use the RunStatistics.jl package and the functions it provides, and on some of their implementation.


To install RunStatistics.jl, start Julia and run

julia> using Pkg
julia> pkg"add RunStatistics"

To use RunStatistics.jl after installation, run

julia> using RunStatistics

to gain access to the functions provided in the package.

Using RunStatistics.jl

To use the RunStatistics.jl to calculate and interpret the Squares statistic for the data you observed, first make sure the following assumptions are valid:

  • All observations $\{X_i\}$ are independent.
  • Each observation is normally distributed, $X_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma^2_i)$
  • Mean $\mu_i$ and variance $\sigma^2_i$ are known.

If your model satisfies these conditions, bring it into the form of an array X of length N, so that X[i] contains the i-th observation.

To obtain the p-value for the value of the Squares statistic observed in your data, do this:

Calculate $T_{obs}$

To obtain the value of the Squares statistic $T$ observed in the data, $T_{obs}$, do:

julia> t_obs(X, μ, σ2)

where $\mu$ and $\sigma 2$ are the mean and variance of the normal distribution the data follows.

t_obs() returns a tuple containing the desired value $T_{obs}$ as well as one or more arrays containing the indices $i$ of the observations $\{X_i\}$ in the run(s) that produce $T_{obs}$. (It is generally possible that more than one run produces the same value for $T$.)

In case the observations $\{X_i\}$ have individual expectations and variances, do:

julia> t_obs(X, μ, σ2)

But with $\mu$ and $\sigma 2$ being Arrays where $\mu[i]$ and $\sigma 2[i]$ are the mean and variance of the i-th element of X.

Calculate the p-value and evaluate the cumulative distribution function of $T$

To obtain the exact p-value given the value of $T_{obs}$ for $N \lesssim 100$ data points, or evaluate the cumulative distribution function of $T$ do:

julia> squares_pvalue(T_obs, N)


julia> squares_cdf(T_obs, N)

In case the number $L$ of observations in the data set exceeds $L \gtrsim 100$, do:

julia> squares_pvalue_approx(T_obs, L)


julia> squares_cdf_approx(T_obs, L)

to obtain the approximation for the p-value or the cumulative.

It is possible to control the approximation more accurately with additional methods and optional input arguments. See Approximation for large numbers of data below for more information.

Details of computation

In the following some more in-depth information on the calculations performed with RunStatistics.jl is given.

Following the derivation of the p-value for $T$ in [1], the quantity that is being computed here is

\[P(T < T_{obs} | N)\]

This is the value of the cumulative distribution function of $T$ at the value $T_{obs}$ observed in a sequence of $N$ datapoints.

The p-value then is obtained as $p = 1- P(T < T_{obs} | N)$.

The central calculation in this package implements Equation (16) from [1]:

\[P(T < T_{obs} | N) = \sum_{r = 1}^{N}\sum_{M = 1}^{M_{max}}\sum_{\pi} X(T_{obs}, N)\]

The full derivation of $P(T < T_{obs} | N)$ and an explanation for the parameters in the above equation can be found in section 2 of [1].

For this manual, suffice it to say that the only input parameters that need to be known are $T_{obs}$ and $N$, the total number of observed data points. The other parameters are then calculated from them.

The computationally expensive operation is the sum over $\pi$. Here $\pi$ denotes the set of inequivalent sequences of success and failure runs in the observed sequence of data. Given a total number $r$ of successes in a sequence of $N$ observations with $M$ success runs, $\pi$ is in one-to-one correspondence with the set of integer partitions of $r$ into $M$ summands [2].

When the cumulative of $T$ is evaluated at $T_{obs}$ for $N$ data points, the relevant partitions need to be calculated.


In this package, a partition of an integer $n$ into $k$ parts is represented with a Partition() object. It holds the fields:

h::Int          Number of *distinct* parts
c::Vector{Int}  Multiplicities of parts
y::Vector{Int}  parts

With these parameters, a partition can be represented in the multiplicity representation:

\[\begin{align} n = \sum_{i = 2}^{h + 1} c_i \cdot y_i \end{align}\]

It is important to note the indexing of the arrays holding the parts and their multiplicities. Due to the implementation of the algorithm used to generate partitions, the first elements of c and y hold a buffer value, and the arrays always have a length of 1 + the maximum possible number of parts.

So when reading a partition, always use the above equation: ignore the first element of c and y and do not read beyond c[h + 1] and y[h + 1].

To save memory during the evaluation of the cumulative, a partition object is initiated and updated in place during the summation over the set of possible partitions.

The function that updates a partition is next_partition!(). It implements a modified version of Algorithm Z from

A. Zoghbi: Algorithms for generating integer partitions, Ottawa (1993).

Approximation for large numbers of data

As discussed in the Introduction the method for approximating the value of the cumulative for large numbers $L$ of observations involves splitting L into $n$ sequences containing $N$ observations.

The original paper's[2] authors have tested different combinations of $n$ and $N$ and found that they agree up to nine significant digits.

The default values in this package are $N = 80$ and $n = L / N$, but user defined choices can also be used by calling:

julia> squares_pvalue_approx(T_obs, N, n)


julia> squares_cdf_approx(T_obs, N, n)

$n$ does not need to be an integer.

For these approximations, this package implements equation (17) from [2]:

\[\begin{align} F(T_{obs} | nN) = \frac{F(T_{obs} | N)^n}{(1 + \Delta(T_{obs}))^{n-1}} \quad \text{for} \quad n\ge 2 \end{align}\]

$F(T_{obs} | L) \equiv P(T < T_{obs} | L)$ denotes the value of the cumulative of $T$ for a (long) sequence of $L$ observations.

So, if a total number of $L$ data points have been observed, choose $n$ and $N$ so that $n \cdot N = L$. The exact value of $F(T_{obs} | N) \equiv P(T < T_{obs} | N)$ is then calculated and further processed in accordance with the above equation.

The approximate p-value for the data set then is:

\[\begin{align} p = 1 - F(T_{obs} | nN) \end{align}\]

$\Delta(T_{obs})$ is a correction term (see equation (13) in [2]) whose computation involves a 1D numerical integration. This is performed with the quadgk() function from the QuadGK.jl package.


The precision of the Approximation of $F(T | nN)$ can be evaluated as:

\[\begin{align} dF(T | nN) \leq n ~ dF(T | N) \oplus (1 - n) ~ d\Delta(T) \end{align}\]

where $\oplus$ indicates addition in quadrature (See section C of [2]).

To reach a given precision $\epsilon$ on $p$ or $F(T | nN)$, it is required that $F(T | N)$ and $\Delta(T)$ are evaluated to an absolute precision $\epsilon/n$. The calculation of $F(T | N)$ is performed to double floating point precision, so up to an absolute precision of at least $10^{-15}$, which limits the possible precision of $p$ and $F(T | nN)$.

As an example, for $L = 10^6$, $N = 100$, and $\epsilon = 10^{−5}$, we would need an absolute precision on $F(T | N)$ and $\Delta(T)$ at the $10^{−9}$ level.

To assure this level is reached, the additional argument epsp in the squares_pvalue_approx() and squares_cdf_approx() functions can be specified:

julia> squares_pvalue_approx(T_obs, L, epsp)


julia> squares_cdf_approx(T_obs, L, epsp)

This call yields a conservative approximation by setting the absolute error tolerance of the 1D integration that yields $\Delta(T)$ to be one order of magnitude greater than necessary for the desired accuracy epsp of $p$ or the cumulative. If not specified, the default value of the quadgk() function used for the integration is used. See documentation.

Rule of thumb: to obtain a quick approximation of $p$ or $F(T | nN)$, call:

julia> squares_pvalue_approx(T_obs, L)


julia> squares_cdf_approx(T_obs, L)

And if a certain accuracy epsp $\geq n \cdot 10^{-14}$ is desired, call:

julia> squares_pvalue_approx(T_obs, L, epsp)


julia> squares_cdf_approx(T_obs, L, epsp)