This package implements the Adaptive Harmonic Mean Algorithm (AHMI).
AHMI.jl is built to support the BAT.jl integration interface, to use AHMI, run
using AHMI, BAT
bat_integrate(target, AHMIntegration())
AHMI.jl it not a registered Julia package yet and currently requires BAT.jl v3.0.0-DEV.
To install AHMI, use
julia> using Pkg
julia> pkg"add BAT#main"
julia> pkg"add https://github.com/bat/AHMI.jl.git"
Citing AHMI
If you use AHMI as an important part of your work, please cite Caldwell et al. "Integration with an Adaptive Harmonic Mean Algorithm", IJMPA (2020).
author = {Caldwell, Allen and Eller, Philipp and Hafych, Vasyl and Schick, Rafael and Schulz, Oliver and Szalay, Marco},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Physics A},
title = {Integration with an adaptive harmonic mean algorithm},
year = {2020},
number = {24},
pages = {2050142},
volume = {35},
doi = {10.1142/S0217751X20501420},
publisher = {World Scientific},